Jira Cloud Plugin

Test IO Bugs: Bug Triage

With the Jira Cloud plugin configured, you'll see a new "Test IO" section in the left-side navigation menu of your Jira Project. Click on the "Test IO" section and navigate to "Bug Triage" under "Test IO Bugs".

Test IO Bugs: Bug Triage

The Bug Triage page displays a list of open bugs from the configured Test IO Products and Sections that need to be triaged. You can filter this list using the following options:

  • Severity: Filter by Test IO bug severities.
  • Product: Filter by configured Test IO Products with open bugs.
  • Feature: Filter by Test IO Features with open bugs.
  • Test Cycle: Filter by Test IO Test Cycles with open bugs.

To preview an individual Test IO bug and view its details, follow these steps:

  1. Select Bug: From the Test IO Bugs -> Bug Triage section, select a specific open Test IO bug from the list.

  2. View Details: The bug details will expand on the right side, showing the following information about the Test IO Bug:

    • Test IO Bug title

    • Action buttons: Accept, Reject, Change severity, Send request, Confirm bug (action buttons availability can depend on customer pricing plan on Test IO platform).

      Action buttons for Open Bug
    • Test IO Bug Details

      Test IO Bug Details
    • Bug Description: includes Steps to reproduce, Actual result, and Expected result.

      Bug Description section
    • Attachments section

      Attachments section
    • Bug Report Confirmation section: Once a Bug Report Confirmation is requested for an open Test IO Bug from the Jira side, the request details will be displayed under this section.

      Bug Report Confirmation section
    • Bug reproductions section: This section displays information about reproductions of a Test IO bug by testers other than the original reporter. The details about these testers and the devices they used will be displayed in this section.

      Bug reproductions section
    • Comments of Bug: Represents details about the Bug related to specific actions taken with it, for example: Rejection reason after performing a Reject action, Comment for Change Severity action, Comment for Send request action from Customer side, and Tester’s answer, Details of Bug Report confirmations from Tester’s side, etc.

      Comments section

Accept Test IO Bug

Export Test IO Bug to your Jira Cloud

Reject Test IO Bug

Reject invalid Test IO Bug reports from your Jira Cloud

All Bugs page

Review all Test IO Bugs from the configured Test IO Products and Sections

Advanced Integration