Zapier app

Actions and Searches

Test IO Actions and Searches

The Test IO Zapier App offers the following actions and searches for seamless workflow automation:


  • Accept Bug: Confirms a bug forwarded to the customer in Test IO.
  • Reject Bug: Declines a bug forwarded to the customer in Test IO.
  • Inquiry Bug: Sends a question about a bug in Test IO.
  • Mark Bug as Known: Acknowledges an existing bug in Test IO.
  • Mark Bug as Fixed: Updates the status of a resolved bug in Test IO.
  • Create Bug Comment: Adds a comment to a specific bug in Test IO.


  • Fetch Bug: Retrieves details of a bug in Test IO using its bug ID.
  • Fetch Test IO Bug by External ID: Locates a bug in Test IO using its ID from an external bug tracking system (e.g., Jira Issue Key).

Accept Bug

Accept Bug action accepts a bug that is forwarded to the customer in the Test IO platform.

Reject Bug

Reject Bug action rejects a bug that is forwarded to the customer in the Test IO platform.

Inquiry Bug

Inquiry Bug action allows you to submit a question about a bug within the Test IO platform.

Mark Bug as Known

Mark Bug as Known action acknowledges an existing bug in the Test IO platform.

Mark Bug as Fixed

Mark Bug as Fixed action updates the status of a bug to reflect its resolution in the Test IO platform.

Create Bug Comment

Create Bug Comment action adds a comment to a specific bug in the Test IO platform.

Fetch Bug

Fetch Bug search retrieves detailed information about a bug from the Test IO platform using its bug ID.

Fetch Test IO Bug by External Id

Fetch Test IO Bug by External Id search locates information for an exported bug using its corresponding ID in a bug tracker.

For example,

  • Bug tracker: Jira Cloud
  • External ID: Jira Issue Key

Jira is an external system to the Test IO platform, hence "Fetch Test IO Bug by External ID". This is useful when a Test IO bug is exported to a bug tracking system and its Test IO ID is unknown.
